W2-S in Canterbury

If you see any of these people down your local high street, do not approach them. Call the police immediately!

Playing football in the cathedral grounds

W2-S standing outside peoples houses

Crossing the zebra-crossing

Legs and a football

W2-S surround a telephone box

James and Paul mugging someone (!)

Paul does his laces up in the road

James, Paul and Dan walking down to town

The centre of Canterbury

James and Paul in a shop in Canterbury

Some erm, clam soaps (only 99p each!)

W2-S and Carrie in Our Price

Dan outside Boots

Meeting Kate at Sainsbury's

Kate's Land Rover

Neil, James, Timo and Andy in Sainsbury's

Timo walking back from Sainsbury's

James and Dan enjoy the view from UKC

Paul and Dan on the steep slope here at UKC

W2-S outside Rutherford College